Forthcoming Activities
Visiting Scholar Program: Asijit Datta
Visiting Scholar Program: Neeraja Sundaram
Completed Activities
Greening with STI. South-South University Cooperation Network (SUCN) Pilot Project, Greening with Science, Technology and Innovation
"Siting Vulnerability - III" Lecture series (Sep 2024)
Deirdre C. Byrne, University of South Africa
Ignasi Ribó, Mae Fah Luang University
Information Precarity: Online Lecture, in collaboration with Centre for Publication Ethics, Savitribai Phule Pune University

1- Credit Online Course, 'Vulnerability Studies', in collaboration with the PG Department of English, Wilson College, Mumbai
1- Credit Online Course, 'Vulnerability Studies', in collaboration with the PG Department of English, Wilson College, Mumbai
"SDGs, Precarity and Literary Studies": A Short-term Online Program (Jul 1st - Jul 6th 2024)

Sustaining Cultural Diversity in the Context of Emerging Technologies in India
Two-day Online Conference on 'Sustaining Cultural Diversity in the Context of Emerging Technologies in India', jointly organised with the School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad and the Chair Partner - UNESCO Chair on Language Policies for Multilingualism, Centre for the Study of Foreign Languages, School of Humanities, 21-22 May 2024.
"Siting Vulnerability - II" Lecture series (Feb 2024)

- Biodiversity
- Waste cultures
- Posthumanism
- Posthuman care
- Animals
Faculty Development Program (in collaboration with NIT Trichy, co-convenor VK Karthika, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences) on 'Reading and Researching the Literature of Crisis'

Pramod K Nayar, University of Hyderabad
Anna Kurian, University of Hyderabad
Maria Porras Sanchez, Complutense University of Madrid
Swarnalatha Rangarajan, IIT Madras
Sarah Falcus, University of Huddersfield
Saradindu Bhattacharya, University of Hyderabad Meenakshi Srihari, Sai University
"Siting Vulnerability - I" Lecture series (Oct-Nov 2023)

Deepanshu Mohan, OP Jindal Global University
Ira Raja, University of Delhi
Pavan Malreddy, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Johan Höglund, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Rebecca Duncan, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Charles Hallisey, Harvard (in collaboration with the Murty Classical Library of India, Harvard UP)
National Seminar on "Vulnerability and Urdu Literature – Social, Historical & Cultural perspectives"
Workshop: "Doing Vulnerability Studies"
Workshop: “Doing Vulnerability Studies” with the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at GITAM University.
Workshop Facilitators: Pramod K Nayar & Anna Kurian
Drawing Vulnerability
Screening Vulnerability
State of Siege (1972) (dir. Costa-Gavras)
The Host (2006) (dir. Bong Joon-Ho) (Korean)
Conceptualizing Vulnerability: A Roundtable (II)
Lisa Diedrich, Stony Brook University
Conceptualizing Vulnerability: A Roundtable (I)
Environmental Vulnerability and the Literary Imagination
By Scott Slovic, University Distinguished Professor of Environmental Humanities, The University of Idaho, USA
Community Media and Building Resilient Communities: Addressing Multiple Vulnerabilities
Vulnerability and Surrogacy: Biomarkets in India
By Sheela Suryanarayanan, in the course 'Vulnerable Lives'. Department of English
Vulnerable Afterlives: The Uses of Death in Shakespeare
By Anna Kurian. Open Lecture in the series 'Mortal Lives/Immortal Characters'. Department of English.
List of Talks on Vulnerability by Pramod K Nayar (2021-2024)
- ‘Bogs, Swamps and Much Verse: Poetry and/from Wetlands’. Keynote. International Conference. ‘Precarious Wetlands in the Anthropocene’. Woxsen University, Hyderabad. 12 Dec 2024.
- Environmental and Social Injustice, Vulnerability and Rights: Reading Bhimayana. Department of English, George Washington University, USA. 24 Oct. 2024
- Astray in a New World: Representations of Madness in Indian and Irish Literature. Panel. Bounce Arts Festival, University of Atypical for Arts and Disability, Belfast, Ireland. 4 Oct. 2024.
- Ex/Evo: The Literature of Deep Time. FDP. Kristu Jayanti College. 28 Sept. 2024.
- Posthumanism and Precarity. VIT, 21 September 2024
- Ichnopoiesis and Planetary Memory: Geotrauma and Postcolonial Ecopoetics. Plenary Lecture. International Conference on ‘Memory, Security and Sustainability’. Indian Network for Memory Studies and Centre for Memory Studies, IIT Madras, 16-18 September 2024
- Evolutionary Nostalgia and the Fiction of Extinction. ‘Extinction’. International Online Symposium. SRM University 30 Aug 2024.
- Researching Vulnerability Studies: Methodologies. Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore. 21 Aug 2024.
- ‘Postcolonial Ecopoetics and Reading for the Planet’. PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore, 20 Aug. 2024.
- ‘Anthropocene Reading: The poetry of planetary precarity’. Special Bicentennial Lecture. Sanskrit College and University. 9 Aug 2024.
- Humanities as a Public Good: Pedagogy, the ‘Doomed’ University and Planetary Precarity. FDP, Implementation of NEP 2020 in Humanities: Pedagogical Approaches, ICFAI Tripura, 12 July 2024
- Reading Environmental Vulnerability in Literature: Methodologies. FDP. GITAM, VSP, 10 July 2024.
- Remembering Waste/Wasting: The Poetry of the Global South. St. Teresa’s College. International Online Conference, Scavenging the ‘Material’ and the ‘Metaphoric’: The Poetics of Discard Studies, 19 June 2024.
- New (Bio)Art for the Anthropocene: The Aesthetics of Biotech Pan-NIT Humanities and Social Sciences Conclave, Department of HSS, NIT Warangal. 29 May 2024.
- Biopower, Biocapitalism and Precarity: Contemporary Literature in the Era of Neocolonialism. Central University of Punjab, 27th May 2024
- Vulnerability Studies: The Key Concepts. Invited Lecture. Department of Humanities and Social Sciences. LNMIIT, Jaipur, 28 Feb 2024.
- ‘Reproductive Futurism’: The Earth’s Future(S) in Dystopian Literature. Keynote. International Conference, “Environmental Hazards and Gender Issues: (Re)imagining Literature, Language, and Culture of the Global South”, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, 16 Feb 2024.
- Human Rights and Literature. Invited Lecture. Department of English, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore. 7 Feb 2024.
- Drawing Water: Indian Graphic Novels and Hydrocrisis. Keynote. Climate Change and Cultural Representations: Australian and Indian Perspectives. International conference, University of Burdwan, 10 Jan 2024.
- Postcolonialism: Contexts, Concerns, Conspectus. National Seminar, ‘Reimagining Postmodern Theories’, Tirur Center, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit. Calicut 6 Jan. 2024.
- ‘Toxified Bodies: Reading Waste Memoirs’. Symposium. ‘Un–bordered Futures: Deconstructing and Reimagining Borders’, Centre for Studies on Borders & Movements, Kolkata, and Department of Comparative Literature, Jadavpur University. 14-15 Dec. 2023.
- Biopolitics and Precarious Lives in Contemporary Literature. Refresher Course. Allahabad University, 29 Nov. 2023.
- Creaturely Texts: Multispecies Encounters in the Posthuman Era. Keynote. 5th ASLE-ASEAN Ecocritical Conference: Posthuman Southeast Asia, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 23 Nov 2023.
Eco/social Justice and the Contemporary Novel. FDP, National PG College, Lucknow. 8 Nov. 2023.
The Literature of Climate Crisis. Special Talk. Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Tirupati, 27 Oct. 2023.
Caring Posthumanism. Distinguished Lecture. Department of English, Jamia Milia Islamia, 25 Oct. 2023.
Introducing Vulnerability Studies. Keynote. National Conference on Vulnerability Studies, NIT – AP, 6 Oct. 2023.
Reading Environment, Writing Disaster. Plenary Lecture, International Seminar, ‘Earthy Echoes in English Literature’, Department of Languages and Literature – English, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, 30thSept 2023
Extinction Memories. ‘Memory, Ecology, Sustainability’, International Conference of the Indian Network of Memory Studies, IIT Madras. 21-23 Sept 2023.
- Environmental Justice Literature: From Toxic Dumping Memoirs to Neo-slavery Fiction. First Annual Alexander D’Souza Memorial Endowment Lecture, Department of English, St Aloysius College, Mangalore. 9 Sept 2023.
- Literary Research Trends: Doing Environmental Humanities. Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women. 30 Aug. 2023.
- Planetary Ecoprecarity: Texts and Themes in the End-times. Keynote. ‘Revamping Indian Tradition and Culture through NEP 2020: Multilingual, Multicultural and Multidisciplinary Modes of Education’, IIT Roorkee, 18-19 Aug 2023
- Retrieving Planetary Memory: De-extinction and the Afterlives of (Some) Animals’, Keynote. International Conference on ‘Mediations on Memory: Aesthetics and Poetics of Forgetting’, the Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, 26-27thJuly 2023.
- The Vulnerable Indian Body: Biopolitics, Famines and Colonial Discourse, 1770-1900. Keynote. ‘Embodied Identities: The Body in Cultural Spaces’. Farook College, Calicut 21 Feb 2023
- Disaster Flows: Historical Legacies and Continuing Vulnerability in the Contemporary Hydronovel. ‘Revisiting History through Literature: Religion, Politics, and Propaganda’, Department of English, University ofAllahabad, 24-25 March 2023.
- Literature and the Planet in Peril: Reading the End-ing Times. Keynote. National Seminar. ‘Comparing Indian Classics with Classics in World Literature’, SRNM College, Sattur, Virudhunagar, TN. 30 March 2023
- Introducing Vulnerability Studies. GITAM University, Hyderabad, 24 April 2023.
- Posthumanism: From Origins to the Anthropocene Theme. Dept of Cultural Studies, Tezpur University. 10 May 2023.
- Fluid Precarity and the Planet: The Global Hydronovel. FDP. Kerala University, 14 May 2023
- “Precarious Animal Life: ‘The Dog of Tithwal’ and its Graphic Adaptation”. Keynote. National Conference on ‘Indian Freedom Struggle and Partition of India: A Revisit Through the Lenses of Literature’, Harsh Vidya Mandir PG College, Raisi, Haridwar, 23 December 2022
- “Posthuman Precarity: Artificial Beings, Servitude and Rights in Contemporary Literature”. Faculty Development Program, HSS, SRM Institute of Science and Technology. 17 Dec 2022
- “The Making of Vulnerable Subjects: Bhopal and Environmental Ethics”. NIT Trichy. Extension Lecture. 24 Nov. 2022.
- “Persona, Personification and Precarious Lives: Orijit Sen’s ‘Making Faces’ ”. Plenary Talk. “Tryst With Destiny”: Literary Portrayal of the Partition of India School of Social Sciences And Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, 10-11 November 2022.
- Ecoprecarity: Vulnerable Lives in Literature and Culture. Indian Animal Studies Collective Roundtable. IIT Delhi 21 Oct. 2022.
- “Photography and the Pandemic: Covid-19, V.2”, International Conference on “Reconnaissance of Pandemic Societies” The Department of English Language and Literature, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, 5 May 2022.
- “Biopower, Biopolitics and Pandemic Comics: Reading Covid Chronicles.” Keynote. Comin 21: International Conference on Indian Comics, IIT Delhi, 5 Dec. 2021.
- “The Literature of Human Rights”, Govt College Women University Faisalabad Pakistan. 25 Nov. 2021.
- “The Covid Normal”. Keynote. “Embracing the new normal: socio-cultural challenges and opportunities”. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, 17 Nov. 2021.
- “Reading Right(s): Literature and/of Human Rights”, Seminar, “Human Rights and Its Representation in Literature” Department of English, ICFAI University, Mizoram. 25 Oct. 2021.
- “Ecodystopias, Spectral Landscapes and the Ecological Uncanny”. International Webinar “Imagining Catastrophe: Literary and Cultural Representations of Environmental Disaster”. Department Of English, Seva Bharati, Mahavidyalaya, Kapgari, Jhargram, West Bengal, India. 23 Oct. 2021
- Cultural Trauma, Biopolitics and Precarious Lives in the 21st Dept. of English, SIES College, Mumbai. 7 Aug. 2021.
- “Memorializing Life in Covid Times”, Memory Studies Workshop, IIT Madras, 30 April 2021.
- “The Human Rights Graphic Novel”. Symposium on “Migration and Rights in Comics and Literature from South/Asia/Asian America”, Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, The George Washington University, USA. 15 April 2021.
- “Vulnerable Ecosystems: Biosecurity and the Invasion Narrative”, Humanities and Social Sciences, NIT Uttarakhand, 10 March 2021.
- “Growing Up – Digitally, Undying – Digitally”, National Symposium, Dept of Women’s Studies, University of Madras, 9 March 2021.
Talks on Vulnerability by Anna Kurian
Vulnerable Lives in Shakespeare. Shri Sangameshwar Arts and Commerce UG and PG college, Chadchan, Karnataka. 23 April 2024